Design + 3D-realization 3D visualization: More convincing than any words

Njegovan - 3D Design - Double deck stand
Njegovan - 3D Design - Double deck stand
Njegovan - 3D Design - Double deck stand
Njegovan - 3D Design - Double deck stand
Njegovan - 3D Design - Double deck stand

Trade fair architecture is three-dimensional.

That's why at Njegovan initial sketches, layouts and floor plans are quickly followed by the step into the next dimension. We use CAD to visualize your future trade fair stand and let immerse you in virtual reality. Here you can experience proportions or color effects, check how well the stand space is used, how sensibly exhibits are integrated or which lighting is advantageous.

Our interior architects and graphic designers continuously model the design until even the smallest detail is convincing. This is not always just an aesthetic or functional question. And only when you and we are satisfied all along the line does our production turn the digital stand-in into a genuine trade fair experience.


For us, perfect also means cost-effective.

Njegovan achievements:

  • Two- and three-dimensional concept visualization
  • Design and layout
  • Supervision of graphic production
  • Provision of material samples and color swatches
  • High quality graphic solutions